

亚伯拉罕一个. 米切尔捐赠院长博士. 迈克尔五车二 data-lightbox='featured'
Dr. 迈克尔五车二, who was appointed dean of 的 米切尔商学院 Jan. 2024年1月1日,将担任亚伯拉罕A. 米切尔捐赠院长. 院长职位是有经费的 少了2美元.5 million gift from 米切尔, a longtime supporter 大学校长. 这 is 的 first endowed deanship in 大学's history. 天赋的院长职位允许 大学 to create and maintain excellence in academics while ensuring a well-resourced college with a reliable stream of funding.

The 十大彩票网投平台 has announced 的 creation of 的 亚伯拉罕一个. 米切尔 Endowed Deanship, 的 first of its kind at 大学, in 的 米切尔商学院.

Dr. 迈克尔五车二, who was appointed dean Jan. 2024年1月1日,将担任该职位. 院长职位的经费是2美元.5 million gift from 米切尔, a longtime supporter 大学校长. The college is named after 米切尔, his late bro的r Mayer and 的 米切尔家族.

“With this endowed deanship, 南 honors Abe 米切尔’s proud legacy of giving,” 大学校长乔·邦纳说. “It will elevate both 的 米切尔 College of 商业与大学.”

天赋的院长职位允许 大学 to create and maintain excellence in academics. It ensures a well-resourced college with a reliable stream of funding.

“It is my hope that this endowment fund will promote continued excellence in 的 米切尔 College of Business far into 的 future as a perpetual resource for attracting and sustaining exceptional leaders,” 米切尔 said.

Dr. Andi Kent, executive vice president and provost, said she is hopeful that 米切尔’s generosity will encourage o的rs to support endowed deanships and professorships across 大学. 

“We are very excited about this first endowed deanship and 的 opportunities it offers,” 肯特说. “We will continue to strive to attract 的 best and brightest deans and 教师支持我们的学生.”  

Capella spent nearly a decade working in sales before earning his doctorate in marketing 来自密西西比州立大学. He has spent 的 past 20 years in higher education. Prior to his arrival at 南, he served as dean of 的 College of Business at Loyola 新奥尔良大学. 

“I am humbled and immensely grateful to Mr. 感谢米切尔的慷慨解囊。” 五车二说. “这 tremendous support will allow 的 米切尔商学院 to continue to build upon its legacy as 的 premier college of business along 的 墨西哥湾沿岸. It is truly a privilege to serve in this capacity.”

The 米切尔商学院 offers seven undergraduate majors, as well as a 会计硕士, 工商管理硕士, Ph.D. 工商管理




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